We are not qualified to give investment advice. This website has been created simply for information you may or may not see elsewhere. If you decide to part with your money in any of these products you need to understand:
1. It is entirely at your own risk 2. You should do your own research 3. Do not use money you cannot afford to lose.
Early in the "pandemic" many of us realised something was seriously wrong with our healthcare system in the UK. N5 recognised and wanted to help. Living in Suffolk meant setting up a Telegram channel for like minded people which was followed by a website. A few other similar sites were set up elsewhere. These were not intended to earn money, but were for information. People were encouraged to take greater responsibility for their own health. Unfortunately, lethargy has taken over. The "pandemic" has gone, they say. However, according to Bill Gates, the next one is coming soon. It will be even more important that you take responsibility for your own circumstances. Start planning before it is too late.
Now we have higher inflation and the possibility of food shortages, and this time people need to take responsibility for their own wealth. This is why this website has been set up. If you participate, then N5 will earn commission which will help pay for our websites and, hopefully, more information. We want to be openly transparent about this. It is called affiliate marketing and you can do it too. Just follow in our footsteps and set yourself up for a healthy and wealthy life. You can contact us via the form at the bottom of the Home page for help in getting started.
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